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Predatory Publishing: Home



What is predatory publishing?

Predatory publishers exploit the open access publishing model for profit by creating Pseudo-Academic Journals.  

  • Use deception to appear legitimate (falsify editorial board, impact factor, etc.)
  • Make false claims about services (editorial, peer review, etc.)
  • No concern for quality of work published

Why is predatory publishing harmful?

Predatory publishing can be harmful in a number of ways

  • Negatively impact researcher and affiliated institution
  • Threaten scientific progress
  • Erode public trust of research results
  • Advance political agendas
  • Legitimate research can not be republished elsewhere

Need Assistance?

Publishing an article? Analyzing sources?

NOAA Central Library can help you determine top journals in your field and help to identify predatory publishers & journals 

For help email [email protected]